Homemade Ravioli Recipe: Irene in the Kitchen!
Homemade ravioli. Hello my dear friends!! During our staying at “Il Ciocco” in the heart of my Tuscany I definitely put myself to the test. You know that I LOVE FOOD, eating and discovering new places where you can eat good local specialties when I’m travelling. A different thing is cooking: I like cooking, but, since I haven’t got much time I can’t practice it! Because of our jobs we hardly ever eat at home and when we do the menu is: salad, take away, a quick plate of pasta or a steak. To be honest, my culinary skills are extremely basic! So I jumped at the chance when Simone, the chef of Il Ciocco, gave me a proper cooking lesson. We couldn’t stop laughing! Just chopping the vegetables into small pieces of the same size was a big deal for me: it took me half an hour . Another problem was that my arm were too weak to knead the dough! But, believe me ladies, with only a little help, the result has been amazing and you can see it this video.
So, today, you’ll see my cooking attempts and the recipe of handmade stuffed pasta… that seems a nightmare but is actually quite easy and incredibly tasty! Of course… it was so good ’cause we buy all the ingredients at the local market ;)))
Homemade Ravioli Recipe: Irene in the Kitchen with the Chef! Help!! #ireneCClosetTV
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A big hug my pretty ladies, I can’t wait to see what you think about it! :)
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