A Tutto Stile! by Irene Colzi: my first book, published by Mondadori!
A Tutto Stile!. I still have to realize that I can finally write this for real: I wrote a book. And it’s not just any book. “A Tutto Stile! » published by Mondadori and available in bookstores throughout Italy as of September 13th. My book. A crazy year, with crazy amounts of work. A year of “I can’t do it!” followed by a series of “Yes, I can do it, come on!”. A year in which I gave everything I had to give: a year rich with enthusiasm, hysterical fits, ideas, ups and downs and juggling things better than the best juggler.
It was a year of chapters written in planes, trains, cruise ships, hotel rooms, in the Caribbean, in Asia, in Europe, at the sea and in the mountains, during the night, the day or early in the morning. Writing a book isn’t easy; it’s a real challenge I had with myself. When I met with the Mondadori team for the first time just over a year ago, I really did think to myself that I would never be able to summarize my ideas and write them all down on paper. I saw it as an insurmountable challenge, especially with the frenetic life I lead.
A Tutto Stile! by Irene Colzi, coming to bookstores near you on September 13th!
Writing a book means taking a step back from the world: only by isolating oneself from everything is it possible to put one’s thoughts, feelings and emotions down on paper as vividly as they appear in your mind. And for a multi-tasker such as myself, always on the go, it wasn’t easy. I learnt to do it, week after week, month after month, and it wasn’t long before the hours spent writing flew by without me even realizing it. Even the pictures in this book are special to me: the unpublished pictures you’ll find inside, as well as the cover, were taken by Giova and thought out entirely by ourselves: a book that was 100% created by me, which is something I’m very proud of. Seeing the complete product today gives me a huge sense of joy! “A Tutto Stile!”, published by Mondadori is my first book. I still can’t believe I actually wrote it! :)
“A tutto Stile!” is a 200 page book focused on who I am now and who I was before you got to know me on the web, and everything I know about style. In this book I’m opening up like never before and featuring all the fashion we love, the accessible kind with a few hints of reasoned madness. The fashion that makes us special. The spine of the book makes this resonate, and is a great preview of what my book is about.
Travel Kit. Ready…go! Are you excited?! And are you ready to face summer holidays? I definitely am, I can’t wait! :) In the meanwhile, today I’d like to tell you about my ultimate Travel Kit: are you sure that you took everything you need? Didn’t you forget anything???
It doesn’t matter if you’re at the seaside, in the city or on the mountains, my advice is to buy a guide book about the place you’re visiting. It can be nice just relaxing on the beach but it’s always better get to know the place not just a tiny spot near the hotel. You’ll find many ideas to fully enjoy your trip. ;) Are you tired to hold it in your hand all the time, during the tour? Try this smart items!
CAMERA, SELFIE STICK… SMART PHONE LENS! A trip is not a trip if you don’t create lifetime memories. So bring a camera with you. An handy alternative? Lens for your smartphone like this iPhone Camera Lens or lens + cover: but remember to clear the memory of your mobile before leaving!
FOLDABLE FLATS: ALWAYS keep them in your bag in case of emergency!! This pair for instance is very cute ;)
PLUG ADAPTER, very important! :)
PORTABLE LUGGAGE SCALE, fundamental if you travel by plane and you don’t want exceed the luggage weight limits. Organize evenly your suitcases in the hotel before getting at the check-in desk.;)
What to wear for traveling: fashion and beauty tips to be on top form even after a long journey!
What to wear for traveling. The temptation when we’re traveling is to “abandon ourselves“, and just wear the first thing we stumble across. Or, and perhaps even worse, to dress up far too much and be uncomfortable for the journey. We’re aiming for something in between. When you travel you want to be comfy, not just because it’s practical, obviously, but also for your health and well being. Sitting down for long periods of time with very tight clothing and/or heels is terrible for your circulation and will make cellulite worse. Also the air conditioning in planes and airports is bad for our health. Another thing we often overlook is make up, hair and hydration! So we have to take care of ourselves.
So when I traveled to Los Angeles, a total of 20 hours in plane and car, I decided to write this post.
Some practical tips:
– LEGGINGS: Your best friend when traveling for long journeys are cotton leggings. Nothing synthetic, nothing too tight. They are super comfy, and it’s like being in a onesie but with more style.
– SOCKS: Long socks are almost mandatory for everyone because they help with circulation problems. You can find them easily in the airport or in a pharmacy, so wear them under your leggings and no one will see, they’re soft and comfy and keep you warm (it’s always freezing on planes). If you’re traveling in summer and you don’t want to wear socks (I get that), opt for a pop sock: they help too!
– LOTS OF LAYERS: If you’re traveling in winter to a hot destination, or vice versa in summer to a cold destination, you’ll need lots of layers. At risk of making yourself ill, don’t neglect this. In winter I usually opt for a thick sweater, a coat and a scarf. In summer, a top, thin sweater, silk scarf and light jacket that you can fold up easily. It’s always cold on planes, so take something to cover up.
Fare la valigia per le vacanze. Dicembre, il mese dalla valigia. Oh, finalmente si stacca un pochino. Che sia il weekend sulla neve, l’ultimo dell’anno fuori, il Natale con i parenti: il minimo comune denominatore però è sempre poco spazio e tante cose da portare. Così oggi ho pensato di dedicare il post alla valigia da weekend / weekend lungo, quella piccola per portarsi dietro il necessario per massimo dai 2 ai 4 giorni.. qualche consiglio per ottimizzare lo spazio e portare tutto il necessario. L’idea è arrivata da Omega che questa volta mi ha lanciato la sfida del “48 ore in valigia”. Così, ho scelto un orologio che fosse estremamente versatile, da giorno e da sera, perfetto per ogni look, perfetto per 48 ore di viaggio (e anche più!). La mia scelta è ricaduta sull’ OmegaSpeedmaster Moonwatch: uno degli orologi più iconici di Omega. Lui si che è un viaggiatore: ha partecipato a tutte e sei le missioni lunari! Vetro zaffiro resistente ai graffi, cassa acciaio inossidabile, cinturino di pelle nera.. bellissimo e super versatile!
Fare la valigia per le vacanze dai 2 ai 4 giorni, ecco i trucchi che ho imparato!
|Gli accessori della Fashion Week e il nostro appartamento di Milano: Fashion Week ci vediamo nel 2013!|
Come promesso questa mattina, durante la Fashion Week ho scattato alcune foto dettaglio agli accessori che ho indossato durante questa settimana della moda a Milano e, con l’occasione volevo ringraziare la mia amica Elisa, che ha condiviso con me queste intense giornate, le mie confidenze, le risate e anche l’appartamento (Per chi me lo ha chiesto, lo abbiamo prenotato su ROOMRAMA, un sito che affitta appartamenti in tutto il mondo, dai più cheap ai luxury e che ti mette in contatto direttamente con l’affittuario: comodissimo e consigliatissimo. Trovate tutte le info QUI). Insieme abbiamo condiviso taaanti sushi (e pizze) mangiate sul divano a tarda notte, guardando Real Time e scrivendo i post a tarda notte per i nostri blog, le bizze per alzarsi dal letto al mattino e quelle per addormentarci la sera, in preda alle chiacchiere sfrenate! Grazie Eli, sei un amica splendida e grazie a tutte voi che avete seguito le nostre avventure sul blog e sui nostri Vlog “autogirati” durante le nostre giornate di FW (Li trovate tutti QUI). Un grande abbraccio a tutte!