What to wear for traveling: fashion and beauty tips to be on top form even after a long journey!
What to wear for traveling. The temptation when we’re traveling is to “abandon ourselves“, and just wear the first thing we stumble across. Or, and perhaps even worse, to dress up far too much and be uncomfortable for the journey. We’re aiming for something in between. When you travel you want to be comfy, not just because it’s practical, obviously, but also for your health and well being. Sitting down for long periods of time with very tight clothing and/or heels is terrible for your circulation and will make cellulite worse. Also the air conditioning in planes and airports is bad for our health. Another thing we often overlook is make up, hair and hydration! So we have to take care of ourselves.
So when I traveled to Los Angeles, a total of 20 hours in plane and car, I decided to write this post.
Some practical tips:
– LEGGINGS: Your best friend when traveling for long journeys are cotton leggings. Nothing synthetic, nothing too tight. They are super comfy, and it’s like being in a onesie but with more style.
– SOCKS: Long socks are almost mandatory for everyone because they help with circulation problems. You can find them easily in the airport or in a pharmacy, so wear them under your leggings and no one will see, they’re soft and comfy and keep you warm (it’s always freezing on planes). If you’re traveling in summer and you don’t want to wear socks (I get that), opt for a pop sock: they help too!
– LOTS OF LAYERS: If you’re traveling in winter to a hot destination, or vice versa in summer to a cold destination, you’ll need lots of layers. At risk of making yourself ill, don’t neglect this. In winter I usually opt for a thick sweater, a coat and a scarf. In summer, a top, thin sweater, silk scarf and light jacket that you can fold up easily. It’s always cold on planes, so take something to cover up.