What to See in Manila: My Tour in the Capital City of the Philippines with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines


mall of asia manila

What to See in Manila: My Tour in the Capital of the Philippines with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

What to see in Manila. It’s time to tell you about my trip to Philippine, to be more precise, to Manila with – KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and KLM Dream Offers. We flew for 23 hours with all comforts, Giova and I watched thousand of movies, even the most recent, we play games on board, and we had three complete meals with soy noodles and a lemon tart when we were about to land on Asia (as you can imagine we eat every crumble, everything was so good!). On our way back we even try Economy Comfort Class: the price in just like a regular Economy Class but you have more space between each seat and more space to recline: it feels much better!

Manila was one of the locations in my travel wish list for 2016 and it didn’t let me down! All the things I’m going to tell you about Manila won’t be enough to explain how incredible my experience has been. You must see it with your own eyes to understand. Chaos, people literally everywhere, on the streets, inside sidecars, jumping on and off crazy buses that never stop, riding motorcycles (generally more than three people for each), carriages, bicycles and driving millions of cars and taxis. SOUNDS: klaxon, screaming of peddlers, noises from building sites of a giant, still growing metropolis, music on the streets, people chatting, running and walking up and down. SMELLS: of food cooked on the street, the strong smell of a city where the rich and the poor coexist in a perpetual conflict. FEELINGS: the good heart of Philippine people that in such a huge city don’t see many tourists, the surprise in their eyes when they see us walking in places we’re not supposed to be, children waving “hello” ever time they see us passing by, all the smiling faces, the curious looks and the gentle greetings of elders. It’s a tough reality… but it’s fascinating and I want to understand it deeply.

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4 Dream Destinations I Want to See in 2016!


repubblica dominicana

4 Dream Destinations To Travel To in 2016: My Wishlist!

January is the month for resolutions and of course one of mine is to travel more. Traveling is like a drug for me; the more I travel abroad, the more I feel the need to see new places around the world! Last year I visited lots of European cities: Paris, Barcelona, Brussels, Stuttgart. I went to Provence and Camargue as well. Then I travelled to the Caribbean, visiting Guadalupe and then The Dominican Republic – where we went as far as the Haitian border – before heading to the middle of the ocean to Mauritius. After that I did a whole month of hiking – we walked for a total 200 km – among the highest peaks of Austria in August, Italy, in December and then I flew to the USA to hike in Arizona, Nevada and California. I’ve also been to loads of big US cities like L.A., Las Vegas, New York and San Diego and I’ve seen the amazing Grand Canyon.

I can’t complain about 2015, it was full of adventures all over the world! But this year I want to see more, travel to more new countries and see other continents. So I thought I would write a bucket list of the top 4 travel destinations of my dreams, a wish list of all the places I’d like to go to this year so you can dream with me and you’re about to find out where I’m flying to with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines in a few days…

(To be continued!)

Some more posts about travel:

My Trip to Dominican Republic

HERE you can see all my trips on the world map

HERE you can see travel section of my blog

My latest mountain trip in December

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What to wear for traveling: fashion and beauty tips to be on top form even after a long journey!


Come vestirsi in viaggio

What to wear for traveling: fashion and beauty tips to be on top form even after a long journey!

What to wear for traveling. The temptation when we’re traveling is to “abandon ourselves“, and just wear the first thing we stumble across. Or, and perhaps even worse, to dress up far too much and be uncomfortable for the journey. We’re aiming for something in between. When you travel you want to be comfy, not just because it’s practical, obviously, but also for your health and well being. Sitting down for long periods of time with very tight clothing and/or heels is terrible for your circulation and will make cellulite worse. Also the air conditioning in planes and airports is bad for our health. Another thing we often overlook is make up, hair and hydration! So we have to take care of ourselves.

So when I traveled to Los Angeles, a total of 20 hours in plane and car, I decided to write this post.

Some practical tips:

– LEGGINGS: Your best friend when traveling for long journeys are cotton leggings. Nothing synthetic, nothing too tight. They are super comfy, and it’s like being in a onesie but with more style.

– SOCKS: Long socks are almost mandatory for everyone because they help with circulation problems. You can find them easily in the airport or in a pharmacy, so wear them under your leggings and no one will see, they’re soft and comfy and keep you warm (it’s always freezing on planes). If you’re traveling in summer and you don’t want to wear socks (I get that), opt for a pop sock: they help too!

– LOTS OF LAYERS: If you’re traveling in winter to a hot destination, or vice versa in summer to a cold destination, you’ll need lots of layers. At risk of making yourself ill, don’t neglect this. In winter I usually opt for a thick sweater, a coat and a scarf. In summer, a top, thin sweater, silk scarf and light jacket that you can fold up easily. It’s always cold on planes, so take something to cover up.


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Costumi da bagno estate 2015: un’altra preview da Mauritius


Costumi da bagno estate 2015

Costumi da bagno estate 2015: una preview da Mauritius

Costumi da bagno estate 2015. Dopo avervi raccontato del meraviglioso Royal Palm che ci ha ospitati durante il soggiorno a Mauritius e di avervi fatto vedere qualcosa di più dell’isola e delle sue realtà da scoprire, oggi vorrei mostrarvi ancora qualche fotografia scattata a bordo piscina del resort. Che ne dite di prendere un cocco dalla spiaggia, aprirlo e bere così il cocktail più buono dell’universo tra spiaggia bianca e piscina infinity? Aaaaah che nostalgia :)))

A voi tutte le foto :) Aspetto i vostri commenti!!


P.S. Se volete ancora una preview dei costumi da bagno estate 2015 non perdetevi il post da Mauritus con il magnifico costume Pin Up Stars!

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Vacanze Mauritius: alla scoperta dell’isola



Vacanze Mauritius: ecco la mia esperienza

Vacanze Mauritius. Durante il nostro soggiorno al Royal Palm ho avuto modo di dare una bella occhiata all’isola, nonostante la spiaggia bianca ed il mare trasparente cantavano il canto delle sirene perchè io rimanessi a prendere il sole tutto il giorno, come vi ho raccontato nel post di ieri. Grazie a Royal Palm, tramite la White Sand Tours (Che vi consiglio calorosamente di contattare per la visita all’isola per guide davvero esperte, cordiali, multilingua e per l’eccellenza dell’organizzazione), siamo andati alla scoperta di Mauritius con un bel giro che ha toccato alcuni dei punti più interessanti dell’isola. Vacanze Mauritius: che sogno!!

Vacanze Mauritius: alla scoperta dell’isola

Mauritius si trova nell’Oceano Indiano a circa 850 km di distanza dal Madagascar. Con circa 1900 km2 di superficie e 330km di coste incontaminate è davvero una perla dell’oceano, circondata dalla terza più lunga barriera corallina del mondo. La capitale è Port Louis e da qui parte il mio tour dell’isola.

Port Louis è la città dei contrasti stridenti, fatti di modernità e tradizione. Tradizione, come il mercato centrale, una delle esperienze più pittoresche da fare. Frutta esotica e verure dai sapori scoppiettanti, le famose spezie, la vaniglia ed il thè, tutte di produzione mauriziana si alternano a streetfood dall’aspetto poco rassicurante ma dai sapori interessanti e al mercato della carne. Solo per i forti di cuore.. e di naso!. Il Caudian Waterfront è la parte fronte mare completamente rivalorizzata con locali e negozi in pieno stile occidentale e moderno (E forse, per me, meno interessante anche se indubbiamente di gusto).

Da non perdere la casa coloniale Eureka nella parte più interna dell’isola: interessante la visita interna e del giardino, fantastica la cucina. Una sosta perfetta!

Il grande mix di culture e religioni è secondo me uno dei grandi punti di forza dell’isola. La tolleranza e l’integrazione sono davvero d’esempio per tutto il mondo: basti pensare che tra il milione di abitanti si alternano hindu, musulmani, creoli, cinesi, cattolici e tamilis. Pagode, moschee, chiese, templi si alternano senza sosta così che anche gli eventi religiosi e culturali sono davvero incredibilmente frequenti. Il tour ci ha portato al lago sacro della cultura Hindu, il Grand Bassin dove ho avuto l’onore di essere benedetta al mio ingresso al tempio: una delle esperienze più emozionanti della mia vita.

L’economia della regione è fatta di turismo naturalmente, ma anche di agricoltura: sono immense le coltivazioni di canna da zucchero, thè, ananas e di moltissime verdure. La visita alla via del thè e dello stabilimento di produzione così come alle aziende di produzione del rum agricolo, sono molto consigliate. A voi tutte le foto!

P.S. Se ve lo siete perse QUI tutte le foto di ieri dal Royal Palm ed un’anticipazione della moda mare dell’estate 2015 <3


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